Wings In Flight

Assorted Bee & Wasp Photos ~ the wonderful world of Bees!
(some still in need of ID)

Bumble Bee Honey Bee
Above left - Bumble Bee. Right - Honey bee.

Leafcutter bee Tiny Aphid? Bee, here on a salvia gregii flower, showing how tiny it is.
Above left - Leafcutter Bee. Right - Aphid bee (?) Very tiny on this Salvia gregii flower.

Bee with heavy pollen sacs Bee with heavy pollen sacs
Above - Bee with very heavy pollen sacs.

Above - Green Bee (?)

Parasitic Wasp, here waiting for a Solitary Bee to leave a hole so that it can place its own egg into the cell thats been made.
Above Right - Parasitic Wasp, here waiting for a Solitary Bee to leave a hole so that it can place its own egg into the cell thats been made.

Huge Parasitic Wasp on Zinnia flower! Check out those Mandibles! Huge Parasitic Wasp on Zinnia flower!
Above - Parasitic Wasp on Zinnia flower

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