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  Birding Resources...

Birding is very addictive, whether it encourages you to increase your birding ID skills or to travel to new places, there are hundreds of links out there to help you on your way. Below are some of my favorite resources covering many topics which I have found either useful or interesting regarding birds and birdwatching and shall be adding more over time.
If you have any favorite birding links that you think would benefit others you're welcome to Email them to me to be included on this page. Likewise, if you find any broken links here please notify me so I can correct them. Thanks :-)

Either scroll down or jump straight to catagories below.

Birding Clubs / Org.   Conservation / Citizen Science   Bird Observatories   Listserves / RBA's   Optics
ID / Photos & Songs   Field Guides & Apps   Magazines   Bird Photography   Audio Recordings   Checklists / Lifelists   Listing Sofware
Travel - TX   Travel - US   Travel - UK   Travel - World   Lodging For Birders
Nest Box / Web Cams   Stores / Bird Supplies   Shade Grown Coffee   Rehabilitators   Forums   Other Links

US Birding Clubs / Organizations
The National Audubon Society Find your local chapter here.
Audubon TexasConnecting people with nature.
Fort Worth Audubon Fort Worth Chapter Website
Audubon Dallas Dallas Audubon Chapter website.
ABA American Birding Association.
AOU The American Ornithologists' Union
TOS The Texas Ornithological Society.
TBRC Texas Bird Records Committee.
ABA Local Clubs American Birding Associations Links to Local US & Canada Bird Clubs.
Disabled Birders Association (DBA) Disabled Birders Association of America.
National Bird Feeding Society Learn to feed birds in the Backyard. Also Magazine.

Conservation / Citizen Science
Cornell Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Project Feeder Watch Cornell's Citizen Science project.
GBBC The Annual Great Backyard Bird Count.
The Nature Conservancy Saving The Last Great Places On Earth.
Birdlife International A global alliance of conservation organisations working together for people, birds, and other wildlife.
East Cascades Bird Conservancy A local organization, specializing in Central Oregon ornithology.
Ducks Unlimited World leader in wetlands conservation.
The peregrine Fund Working to conserve birds of prey in nature.
Partners In Flight Partners In Flight - US
CATS INDOORS Cats kill thousands of birds each year. Keep them indoors!
Pan American Shorebird program Country Flag Codes. Color coding of banded birds.
Audubon at Home Improving the environmental health and habitat quality of our yards and neighborhoods.
International Crane Foundation Works worldwide to conserve cranes and their wetland habitat.
Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership Non-profit organizations, individuals and government agencies joining forces to bring a migratory flock of whooping cranes back to eastern North America.
Whooping Cranes, Journey North Whooping Crane FAQ. Whooping Crane Conservation Association. Platt River Whooping Crane Maintenance Trust, Inc. Whooping Crane & Wildlife Festival.

Whooping Cranes "Fly Away Home".

Bird Observatories / Banding Stations
Bird Observatories and Banding US & International links to Bird Observatories & Banding Stations.

Listserves / RBA's
TEXBIRDS Archives of TEXBIRDS@LISTSERV.UH.EDU, (Univ. of Houston) Subscribe / Leave List. Birding Email Lists & RBA's by State.
State RBA's State Mailing Lists & RBA's (Rare bird alerts)
ABA Rare Bird Alerts American Birding Association's Rare Bird Alert Numbers / Addresses.

Better View Desired A great online resource with all the latest reviews.
Eagle Optics Another great selection of optics.
Optics4birding Help with picking the right optics
ABA Sales Birding Store - Birding optics Optics from the American Birding Association. !
Nikon Monarch Scope - offers the best Nikon, Leupold, Burris, Sightron, Trijicon, Pentax, and Bushnell optics for all of your outdoor needs. Birding Optics, Binoculars and Scopes. Your lifetime ticket to the theater of nature.

Female Scarlet Tanager
Female Scarlet Tanager, Pt Pelee Canada.

ID / Photos & Songs David Sibley's Website
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Tools for learning about Birds
Nature Songs North American Bird Sounds.
Mangoverde World Bird Guide, Songs and Photos
Avian Web Info On Bird Species Worldwide. Native songbirds in color and sound
The Internet Bird Collection (IBC) "An on-line audiovisual library of footage of the world's birds."
Owl Pages Everything About Owls
VIREO Visual Recources for Ornithology. 111,000 online images. Lynn E. Barber's Birding Site.
Martin Reid's Site For keen birders with an interest in bird identification and occurrence; Worldwide, but with a Texas slant.

Field Guides & Apps The 14 Best Bird Watching Apps - 2019.
National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America One of the best guides for the field, now has 4th Edition.
The Sibley Guide To Birds Excellent illustrations for those tricky ID's.
Stokes Field Guides Comes in Eastern & Western
Peterson Field Guides Comes in Eastern & Western.
ABA Sales Birding Store - Field Guides Most popular field guides.
ABA Sales Birding Store - Regional Guides North American Regional Guides.
The Life Of Birds The documentary / book - The Life Of Birds, David Attenborough
National Bird Feeding Society Magazine - The Bird's-Eye reView. Lots of tips on feeding.

Magazines Birding Magazine. Birds and Blooms Magazine Bird Watcher's Digest - Great content for Bird Watchers! BirdWatching - Your source for becoming a better birder. Living Bird Magazine - The Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

Bird Photography How to photograph birds. Bird photography basics. How to take great photos of birds. 10 must use bird photography camera settings for beginners.
Digiscoping Bird Photography By Matt Orsie - Summit Point, WV Greg Lasley Nature Photography.
Windows On Nature Beautiful bird photos by John D Ingram.
Castleburry Wild Bird Photography Original Bird Photographs by Bobby Castlebury
Photography of Terry Danks A personal photo site including wildlife & birds.
Greg Lavety's Photo Galleries Excellent photos of birds, wildlife and places.
Birds In Flight Photos of birds in flight by R. W. Scott.
Wing Photos Univ. of Puget sound's collection of wing photos. EIGHT species of spectacular Hummingbirds —Southeast Arizona June 2019 Part 5

Audio Recordings
Cornell Lab of Ornithology's Macaulay Library of Natural Sounds Large selection of recordings.
ABA Sales Birding Store - Sound Recordings Sound Recordings for ABA Areas, incl. Petersons & Stokes.
birdPod The birdpod software for Ipod, birdpod's bird songs are organized to enable quick identification of bird songs in the field.

Checklists / Lifelists
Bird Checklists Bird Checklists of the US.
Wildlife Lists Keep your own Life list of birds and other wildlife online.
ebird Record your bird sightings & see distribution of birds across North America.
ABA Sales Birding Store - N American Checklists Checklists for North America.

Listing Software Listing software - Avisys, Thayers Birders Diary, BirdBase, BirdArea & Bird Brain for Mac. Avisys Listing Software. Thayers Birding Software.
ebird Record your bird sightings & see distribution of birds across North America.

Green Jay
Green Jay, Rio Grand Valley Texas.

Travel - TEXAS
Texas Birding Links A complete list of web sites and other information available through the Internet that may interest birders in Texas. World Birding Center, Rio Grand Valley - Let your imagination fly! Texas County Locator Map.
Txdot Maps Texas County Highway Maps, Counties by Region.
Great Texas Birding Trails The Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail and upcoming new trails
Birding Texas Info on Texas Birding Welcome to Texas & Beyond ~ Customized tours for the discriminating birder. Fins to Feathers Photo Safaris, owned by George & Scarley Colley, South Padre Island, TX.
Bird Rockport Birding the Texas Coastal Bend
Rockport Birding & Kayak Adventures Continues the tradition of Captain Ted's Whooping Crane Tours aboard the Skimmer.
Birds of the Central Brazos Valley Deep in the heart of Texas A habitat for warblers, butterflies & diverse plants in Cibolo, TX.
Texas Hawk Watches Hawkwatch info in TX including Hazel Bazemore, Smith Pt & Hornsby Bend.
Katy Prairie Conservancy ...protecting a sustainable portion of the Katy Prairie for the benefit of its wildlife and all Texas forever.
LRGV BIRDS This page is intended to help visiting birders going to the Lower Rio Grande Valley in February '05.
Sable Palm Sanctuary Sable Palm Audubon Center & Sanctuary.
Los Ebanos Preserve Rio Grande Valley's new and unique 82-acre private nature park.
Frontera Audubon Frontera Audubon, Weslaco TX (Rio Grand Valley)
Christmas Mountains Oasis Big Bend Bird Habitat.
Big Bend Birders Sighting reports, links and meeting info.

Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge, an urban wilderness!

Travel - US Beatty's Guest Ranch - America's premier Hummingbird viewing spot nestled in the Huachuca Mountains, AZ. Tucson Audubon's Paton Center for Hummingbirds. AZ.
Sonoita Creek Patagonia-Sonoita Creek Nature Preserve, one of Santa Cruz County's most sought out birding hot spots. AZ.
Birding America Index of sites by State.
Wings Over the Platt River Sandhill and Whooping Cranes in Nebraska, maps, migration & links.
Rosy-finches at Sandia Crest, NM All three finches are found here in Winter.
St. Paul Island Tours 240 bird species have been recorded on St. Paul Island (Pribilof Islands).
Hawkwatch The best places to see Hawks.
Shearwater Journeys California Pelagic Trips, Monterey Bay.
Bird Guide Pelagics Oregon Pelagic Birds & Birdwatching Trips.
Dry Tortugas - Visit Fort Jefferson Dry Tortugas National Park,

Travel - UK
RSPB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, UK.
British Garden Birds An excellent site covering Britain's common garden birds.
Britain's Rare Bird Alert Excellent system with up to the minute info on rare birds in Britain. (5 hrs+ of US Eastern time)
BOU British Ornithologists Union
BTO web The British Trust for Ornithology, promotes bird conservation through volunteers surveys.
Disabled Birders Association DBA UK.

Travel - World
Bird Quest The Ultimate In Birding Tours
VENT Victor Emanual Nature Tours
FONT Focus On Nature Tours, Birdwatching tours.
WINGS Wings Birdwatching Tours Worldwide
WorldTwitch Finding rare birds around the world.
Surfbirds World Trip Reports, Birder resources, photos. Welcome to Texas & Beyond ~ Customized tours for the discriminating birder. Birding Costa Rica, By Car and Shuttle.
Mexican birds Complete list of Mexican Birds.
Birds of Trinidad & Tobago Photos & info by Keith Barrow.
The Traveling Naturalist Birding and Wildlife vacations. Travelsource Ecotours: The Internets first interactive travel guide.
Bird Links to the World Lots of links and recources Worldwide.
Fat Birder Linking birders world wide.
BirdingPal Want to go birding? Select a continent to find a local birdwatcher. A network of birders who share trip expenses to bird distant places as economically as possible.
The Israeli Center For Yardbirds Uses birdwatching to promote awareness to general public & educational projects in childrens schools. Birding Tours Worldwide, with Field Guides: a lot of birds, a lot of fun.

Lodging for Birders
Birding Friendly Lodging BirdingPal's excellent list of Hotels, Inns and B&B's recommended by local BirdingPals. Lodging is Worldwide & in alphabetical order.
Portal Peak Lodge One of the neatest places to stay in Portal, AZ.
Chiricahua Cottages Mary & Piet's Chiricahua Cottages, Portal, AZ.
Cave Creek Ranch Unique Lodging for Naturalists, Portal AZ.
The Inn at San Ignacio GREAT place for birders travelling to Green Valley, AZ.
Santa Rita Lodge Lodging in Madera Canyon, AZ.
Beatty's Miller Canyon Guest Ranch Beatty's Guest Ranch, Miller Canyon, AZ
Ramsey Canyon Inn B&B Southern Arizona B&B in the Ramsey Canyon birding area, AZ
Casa De San Pedro B&B SE Arizona's Premier Lodging for Birding and Outdoor Adventures! Hereford, AZ
San Pedro River Inn Guest Houses in premier birding habitat, San Pedro River Valley, Hereford, AZ.
Rail Oaks Ranch A nature lovers paradise, Nestled in the beautiful Huachuca Mountains, AZ.
Ash Canyon B&B Lodging for birders in the Huachuca Mountains, AZ
Elaine's B&B Elaine's - A Bed & Breakfast. Albuquerque New Mexico and Santa Fe, NM.
Alamo Inn Central to Rio Grande Valley birding and butterfly hot spots. Alamo, TX.
Vieh's B&B Centraly located between Brownsville, Santa Ana & Laguna Atascosa, San Beneto, TX.
Star of Texas B&B A secluded, peaceful, bed and breakfast nature retreat in Brownwood, TX.
Chisos Mountain Lodge Chisos Mountain Lodge in Big Bend, TX.

Nashville Warbler
Nashville Warbler, Pt Pelee Canada.

Nest Box / Web Cams
Nest Box Cam 2004 The Birdhouse Network, Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
Chris' Eastern Screech Owl Nest Box Cam Great live photos and video of this Screech Owl pair.
Bird Nest Cams View Nesting bird species.
Cloud Forest Alive QuetzalCam & ColibriCam! Great WebCam images from the cloud forests of Central America OwlCam Home Page.

Stores / Bird Supplies Wild Bird Superstore - Bird Houses, bird seed and bird baths. Your Backyard Nature Specialist!
Wild Birds Unlimited Wild Birds Unlimited Store.
The Feed Store Pet & Bird Seed, feeders & housing, name brands incl: Perky Pet, Droll Yankees, Duncraft.
Bigpockets Clothing for birding and outdoors.
A Birds Garden Accents and Wildbird Products
JJCardinal JJCardinal's Wild Bird & Nature Store.
A Birds Home Carrying a full line of birdhouses, birdfeeders, birdbaths, weathervanes, sundials, decoys and more.
Wild Bird Center of Denton Your Ultimate Backyard Nature Store. Denton, TX.

Shade Grown Coffee In Colombia, shade grown coffee sustains songbirds and people alike.
Song Bird Coffee Shade Grown Coffee from Thanksgiving Coffee Company Article about the Songbird Foundation Project, by company director - Danny O'Keefe.
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters A huge selection of shade grown coffees & a "coffee club". Songbird safe and organic coffee. Songbird coffee and gifts

Texas Rehab Wildlife Rehabilitators by county.
State Wildlife Rehabilitators Locate a Wildlife Rehaber in your state.

Forums The Worldwide Birding Community

Other Links The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Bird Watching. Helpful Birdwatching Tips. Everything you need to know about Birdwatching with kids. Mobile apps for nature travel and birding trips. Gear Kit: What to carry when you go out and bird.

Rufous Hummingbird
Rufous Hummingbird, New Mexico.

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