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Guadalupe Trip Photos Continued...
Bosque del Apache

Gambels quail
Gambels Quail
Approximately 15 quail were at the visitor center feeders.
Sandhill Cranes
A nice flock of Sandhills were feeding in the refuge.
Sandhill cranes
Hueco Tanks SP
Hueco Tanks State Park
This is a place I'd like to return to again sometime. A nice place for desert birds and lots of interesting caves paintings and Native American history. Guided tours are given.
Canyon Wren
He was singing his heart out! .
Canyon wren singing
Rocks at Hueco Tanks SP
Lots of huge and interesting rocks here.
The cave...
After climbing up some of these rocks you came into a cave. If you continued in and upwards it opened up at the top and you saw this wonderful view. Not only that, but the hole in the rock on the ground (front bottom of photo) was made by the Native American Indians which would then use a large pole and by placing corn or other grain into the hole would use it for grinding, much like a mortar & pestle is used today. I sat on this rock with the hole in front of me, the view ahead with the cave "roof" still over me and it was neat to sit in the same place and see the same view as maybe an Indian Woman would have seen several hundred years ago while grinding corn.
Cave at Hueco Tanks SP
This was taken at the end of the trip at Lake Balmorrhea.

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