Wings In Flight

Yellow-green Vireo, Tamaulipas crow ~ 5/26/07

Tamaulipas Crow, RGV 07

This was a weekend chase down to the Valley to try to get three new birds: The Masked Duck, Yellow-green Vireo and Tamaulipas Crow. Unfortunately the Masked ducks, both male and female which had been seen in a pond in Riviera, refused to show for the entire weekend searched for by several birders. However the Vireo and the Crow were found. The Yellow-green Vireo made himself quite noticeable by singing loud and clear in along the entrance road to Sable Palm Sanctuary and had good views of him. The crow came next at the Brownsville airport neighborhood but we almost gave up looking for it until the last palm tree finally revealed one! He was not making any sounds and we had gone up and down every street, looking at every palm.
So 2 out of 3 birds wasn't bad at all and the Masked Duck will have to wait for another day!

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