Garden Photos ~ Page 4 2008
Photos of the garden continue on. It is the second season for the pool and surrounding beds. |
Pool with snow - 3/6/08
We don't get too much snow here in North Texas so when we do get a covering I have to get out and take a couple of photos before it melts! All this photo needed was a couple of polar bears!
Shade beds after snow
I had one or two plants covered with fleece here but most things die right back and take what comes. I did not lay in the hammock on this day...! |
Clematis 'Barbara Jackman' - 4/20/08
When Spring arrives the clematis bloom! Clematis come in so many varieties but the majority like their "feet in the shade and their heads in the sun". When planting, sink the base of the vine 3 inches into the soil. This is unlike most plants you plant where you keep the base of the plant at the same level when planting into the ground as it was in the pot. Barbara Jackman seems to have a few color variations from very pale blue with a hint of pink, to much more contrasting shades of purple-blue and magenta. This is a group "2" or "B" Clematis. |
Pink Clematis
Unfortunately the label that came with this plant was wrong so I do not know the species name. But, it was such a pretty pink I had to have it! |
Clematis 'Harlow Carr'.
This Clematis is a very special one for me, because it is bred by the world-renouwned Clematis breeder Raymond J. Evison nursery, as part of their signature series for the Royal Horticultural Society Bicentenary Plant Collection and, his nursery is in Guernsey, where I am from! I could not believe it when I saw this plant in our local home depot here in north TX that this small plant had come all the way from Guernsey, my home! I believed it was meant to be... and I took it home! This year is its third summer and it's doing very well. It is planted behind my climbing rose "Scarlet Blaze" which shades its roots from the sun but it can climb up and ramble through it, with splashes of purple mingled in the red roses. It is a prolific bloomer and I love it! |
Clematis 'Ruutel'
This is a beautiful, rich, wine-red clematis which I have planted along side our deck, where its flowers can trail through the surrounding fence. |
New Cactus Bed - 4/21/08
I've had this bed, with the cactus in it for several years but it needed thinning out and landscape fabric placed around the cacti to help prevent weeds from coming up around them, as they make it very difficult to weed around! So I thinned it out, placed the fabric around them (which still allows water to penetrate) and then covered the whole thing with gravel. The cacti now stand out so much nicer and the area is much easier to weed. I've always loved the desert and this reminds me of it. |
Different angle...
I found a flat bottomed jar that I planted with ice plant "Tequilla sunrise", a good drought tolerant plant for that area. The Cactus varieties I have include Prickly pear, Spineless prickly pear and Purple Prickly pear. I then have a 'Claret Cup' cactus, which is in flower in this photo, which grows in the mtns of Big Bend in West Texas. There are also a couple of Red Yuccas in there and small Mexican Petunias and a plumbago line the edge of the pool. |
Claret Cup
This Claret Cup cactus grows all over the mountains of Big Bend in west Texas, especially on the rocky slopes and wooded juniper trails. Its bright red flowers are very eye catching and are waxy to the touch. This plant was bought from a nursery in Weatherford that has a good selection of native plants and cacti. (Please don't remove plants from protected desert habitats). |
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