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Utah Bird Trip Summary & Photos, Page 2
July 31st - August 5th '06

On to Antelope Island...


This was what I came for! My lifer for the trip (besides the Moose...)

Saw about a dozen Chukars in total but a few perched for a photo op.
Pair of Chukar
Buffalo, Antelope Island
A herd is maintained on the island.
Barn Owl
He did NOT want his photo taken and made it pretty difficult for us to get an unobstructed shot!
Barn Owl
Barn Owl
Barn Owl
"If I don't move they won't see me..."
Wasatch Audubon Birders
A very friendly group! :-)
Wasatch Audubon Birders
Ranch Tractor, © Copyright 2006 Keith Evens
Fielding Garr Ranch, Antelope Island
An old ranch tractor stands outside. The ranch represents 135 years of western ranching history.
A prairie Falcon was giving us good views.

Photo © Copyright 2006 Keith Evens.

Antelope Is. Beach.
Very shallow water goes out for miles. You would have to walk out about 1/2 mile to be able to swim. (Very salty, very smelly! Showers are provided!)
Antelope Is. Beach.
Antelope Is Causeway
Antelope Is. Causeway, looking back toward Salt Lake City
This is where Chukars were seen once we entered the island.
Visitor Center Sign
Entrance to the visitor Center
Visitor Center Sign
Long-billed Curlew
A young Long-billed Curlew
... pretending he was a marbled Godwit!
Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge
We had relaxing drive through the refuge during the later morning hours, although it was a little late for many birds.
Bear river migratory bird refuge, sign
Bear River MB Refuge, storms.
Storms blew through the area.
White-faced Ibis
Edge of the road, BRMBR.
White-faced Ibis
Swainson's Hawk
Swainson's Hawk, Mtns South of Huntsville.
This intermediate morph Swainson's was calling and calling when finally a second hawk flew to join it.
Horse Riding...
The mountain trails were so pretty to ride through we couldn't resist! You are looking through "Lucky's" ears! I was trying not to drop my camera!
Horse riding in the mtns.
Me and my horse.
And he gave me luck!
We finally saw our Moose! (and the ears of a female).
Does that make it Mooses? :-)

Links -

Wasatch Audubon Society
Great Salt Lake Audubon
Utah Birds

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