Wings In Flight

Winter 2004/2005
Female Rufous / Allen's Hummingbird "Missy returns" (Selasphorus Sp. R/A)
FO 7/30/04. It was seen again a few days later on August 3rd '04 & photos were first taken of it on August 4th '04. It is photographed here on the same feeder that my previous two wintering Rufous came to all last winter although it has also visited the other feeders throughout the garden only once or twice.
This is the earliest I've ever had one here.
I now believe that this bird is infact "Missy" from last winter (seen last March 19th, just 4 months before) which has returned early to claim her previous winter territory. Her habits are identical.

8/4/04 8/4/04
8/4/04 8/4/04
8/7/04 8/8/04
8/8/04 8/8/04
Above - August 8th '04, Tail feathers are molting, at one point just some white feathers were left.
9/14/04, Molting. Center throat pattern changing shape, new throat spots comming in. New tail feathers also. 9/14/04. Molting. Center throat pattern changing shape, new throat spots comming in & has new tail feathers.
Above - One month later Sep 14th '04, Center throat pattern changing shape with new throat spots comming in & has new tail feathers. New wing feathers are also giving a louder "buzzing" sound.
9/21/04, Throat spots increasing 11/11/04, Tail feathers.
Above left - One week later, Sep 21st '04, throat spots are increasing in size and filling in quickly.
Above right - November 11th, Tail feathers.
11/11/04, Throat spots in. 11/11/04, Throat spots in.
Above - almost 2 months later, Nov 11th throat spots complete.
A cold January day, 1/5/05
A cold January day, 1/5/05.

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The camera used is an Olympus Camedia C-730 Ultra Zoom with a 10x Optical Zoom, 3.2 Megapixel.

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