Wings In Flight

Winter 2003/2004
Adult Female Rufous Hummingbird - "Missy".
First Observed (FO) 11/27/03. Latest photos at bottom of page.

Other Rufous Hummers Include -
Spirit's page, the Immature female Rufous / Allen's Hummingbird. FO 12/3/03
Missy Returns Female Rufous believed to be "Missy", FO 7/30/04
Male Rufous Hummingbird FO 9/27/04

Female Rufous at feeder outside window Female Rufous Hummingbird, front view with central spot
Female Rufous Hummingbird, side view Female Rufous Hummingbird, side view
Female Rufous Hummingbird preening Female Rufous Hummingbird, tail view
Rufous hummingbird, side view Rufous hummingbird, front view
Rufous hummingbird, back view Rufous hummingbird, back view
Cold Rufous hummingbird Yes, hummingbirds have eyelashes!
Rufous hummingbird fanning out feathers after preening. Definate notched R2 tail feather. Missy molting
Left - Click to enlarge.   Right - Missy comming into breeding plumage. (taken feb 22nd)

See also -
Spirit's Page - Imm. Female Rufous / Allen's.
Missy returns Female Rufous believed to be "Missy", FO 7/30/04,
Male Rufous Hummingbird FO 9/27/04

Back to -
- Gardening for Hummingbirds

These Selasphorus Hummingbird, photos were taken through my kitchen window which they sit just outside of and where I hang the feeder amongst the Salivas. (Indigo spires, Mexican bush sage, Salvia coccinea & Scarlet sage)
The camera used is an Olympus Camedia C-730 Ultra Zoom with a 10x Optical Zoom, 3.2 Megapixel.

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